“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
— Colossians 3:16

1st Kuala Lumpur Boys’ Brigade
1st KL Boys’ Brigade (BB) is a non-denominational Christian uniformed organisation for school aged children and young people from ages 5 to 18 years.

1st Kuala Lumpur Girls’ Brigade
To help girls to become followers of our Lord, Jesus Christ and through reverence, self control and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life.

Junior Sunday School
The JSS is in partnership with the church and parents to help children in the church and community to know Jesus as their personal Saviour.

Wesley Methodist Kindergarten
To teach children a rich, meaningful, and balanced curriculum of skills and information through age-appropriate activities that encourage children to want to learn more.

Wesley School of Arts
Wesley School of Arts was started with the vision of having trained musicians, dancers and actors for the church to praise Him for His wonderful creation of us with song, dance and acting.
Contact us now to receive more information on how you can be part of these education facilities or organisations!
All are welcomed to join.